• By Gary
  • September 8, 2016

“You never stop learning to be a better leader!” by Gary Tilkin

“You never stop learning to be a better leader!” by Gary Tilkin

I have been in the retail automobile business for close to 40 years. I am so proud of the professionals I have met over the years. A few I see from time to time, and others I go out of my way to visit, as well as learn from. This industry provides unparalleled opportunity. However, you get out of it only as much as you put in it. The best rise, and the not well suited go to other industries. Most importantly, those with ability, talent, work ethic, and willingness to risk it all can become dealers. PLEASE show me another industry that can do all that.

I asked a young man in the industry a very simple question the other day. He was complaining about his results from the previous month and blamed it on everyone else but himself. The question I asked was this: “Is there someone in the United States of America who could have done better than you did last month, under similar circumstances? He tried to divert the conversation rather than answer the question, and made a bunch of excuses about why his world is different. I hung in there with him, and forced him to answer the question. Finally, he said, “I suppose so!”. My response, “Then figure out what that other person would have done, and do it yourself. It’s not about “could” or “should”. It is what we will do to make it happen.” I smiled and walked away, confident that he would.

His next two months are gangbusters. I’m not trying to take credit for that; all I did was mimic a mentor who led me earlier in my career. I bet that great leader had someone who led him to learn those same lessons, and more importantly to pass them on. Selfless rather than selfish rules.

I do a blog post about once a month for my website. My transparent goal in doing so is to guide people to my website to see what I am all about, which may lead to a business relationship. While that is absolutely true, it is not a singular goal. I’m grateful for the words of wisdom passed on to me at crucial times in my career. More importantly, I’m still learning, and value the opportunity to pass it on. I hope that you do as well.

“You never stop learning to be a better leader!”