• By Gary
  • November 23, 2009

Prospecting Through Personal Brand Development

Prospecting Through Personal Brand Development

Gary Tilkin, CEO and Founder of Gary Tilkin Consultants, Inc.

Gary Tilkin, CEO and Founder of Gary Tilkin Consultants, Inc.

I Feel It Coming Back,


Do You? If So,

Have You Established Your BRAND STRONG ENOUGH?

The years of 2008 through 2009 were challenging and interesting. It seems that is the sentiment from the majority of industries, companies and entrepreneurs I converse with.  It is my deepest belief that times like these establish personal character in everyone who survives. In addition, we seem to be stronger for going through this storm and realizing now that it was not so bad.  Don’t take me wrong; if I had a choice, I would have skipped this character-building economic event.

It is All About Our Attitude

For months now, my organization has attempted to present some ideas to increase whatever business base you have currently. The objective was to improve your profits and/or assist your organization with weathering the storm.  In this quest, we immediately realized that sharing skill-sets alone would not be enough.  For most of us, it was an attitude issue more than an ability challenge. Formula simply states:  adjust the attitude, which results in improved actions needed to gain market share, sales and much needed profit infusion.

Prepare for Business Before It Gets Here

A very wise professional automotive comptroller, associate and friend, said it best, “We will survive these economic challenges. The real key is what we are doing to handle the business when it does come back. Are we developing our current associates, recruiting new talent, focusing on our values, and looking at the world realistically?”  Interesting thought; don’t you think?

Time for Headlight Level Strategy

Enough “20,000 feet” stuff folks, it’s time to focus on the HERE and NOW.  My article last month, listed right below this one on this blog, focused on immediate steps we all have to take to grow our business. How many of you did even one of the recommendations? Be Honest Now. Well remember, “Actions create results.  Inactivity creates NOTHING. 


If you watch TV, which most of us do, you have seen a commercial on a computer program to create your own website. I believe the company name is Intuit™.  The expense every month is minimal and the templates they give you are really easy to use.  The net result is a professional website for the average person. Now why is this so important?  The answer is relatively simple.

The Need to Establish Our Own Individual BRAND

We all need to establish our own unique BRAND. The major luxury automotive manufactures like Lexus and Acura establish their brands with every word, font, endorsement and corporate action. The dealerships and organizations around the world establish their brands the same way. However, none of it works without our efforts and ability to establish personal relationships, valued client activities, a professional approach and, yes, STRONG INDIVIDUAL BRAND development.

Dr. of Follow-Up and Prospecting

You might have noticed that I have changed the signature on my e-mails.  A very long time ago, a business partner told me that I was the “Dr. of Follow-Up and Prospecting”.  I never really thought much of it. I seriously don’t consider myself to be that special or great at these activities as that title would indicate. Then I simply started to notice what everyone else was doing and realized I was somewhat special with my approach.  I realized that part of my BRAND statement deserved to be “Dr. of Follow-Up and Prospecting”.  Now you may beg to differ, but the business world seems to be truly lacking in these skills. Hence, my brand supports the fact that the key to business is the ability of an individual to “Keep in Touch” with as many human beings as professionally as possible.

Develop Your Website and Tell Everyone About It

 So now for this month’s prescription from the “Doctor”: Establish your blog (www.vox.com) or website (Intuit™). Write an interesting article or just a funny “Politically Correct” statement. Send it out to your ever-increasing electronic database. Refer them to your website/blog. Don’t stop until you have so much business that you have to say, “HELP!” Remember to control your attitude, actions and establish your BRAND.  All my best, and until next month:  Always Be A “Professional for Life”.


Gary Tilkin, Founder and CEO

Gary Tilkin Consultants, Inc.

Author of the “Professional For Life” Sales and Management Development Series