• By Gary
  • August 29, 2018

The News “Menu” Concept–Make your wants and needs known.

The News “Menu” Concept–Make your wants and needs known.

“New ideas that are verbalized and we take action on, can start a movement towards improvement!”

 Restaurants give us a menus, daily specials, rating systems with stars and $ for level of expense.  I can make a restaurant decision now. News channels should do the same. So “I want a real menu or else I will watch or do something else.” I have my favorite restaurants based on tastes for that meal. The same holds true to News Stations. Sometimes I want Steak and other times I want McDonald’s. My power is where I want to spend my money and what my budget is at the time.  All of this is how any news channel works however NOW accurate Menu that I can trust will be consistent. So all I have to fight back is not to go to that restaurant or watch that show.

It is important to address the notion of “Fake News!!!” It is only fake news if I don’t like it or it does not agree with part of my belief system. So instead of a lively debate where facts, emotions, presentation style and actually answering a question, instead of diversion being used, we dismiss our opposition by calling it “fake news”. Folks, ALL politicians divert, they all do.  Very few seem to answer the core questions.  They all change their minds when it helps them to do so and the “He Said, She Said Justification Technique” is alive and well. This is NOT party lines. This is what we the consumer, has allowed to happen from our news sources.  Time to ask for a news “Menu” that is consistent, fact based, supportable and non-partisan.  Just tell me the NEWS and let me make my own decisions.  Where is Walter Cronkite when you need him.  (If you don’t know who Walter Cronkite was, Google him!”)

So lets create a news menu and let ALL the news channels and newspaper know what we want to here about.  Here is my personal initial News Menu (yours Will differ):

  1. What is the congress working on and why?
  2. An unbiased overview of what bill, laws, regulations that are being considered. The team explaining should be equal members of all party lines focused on the topic, not a debate. “Facts, just the facts.”
  3. What is the Supreme Court working one and a bit of an overview.
  4. News of the day, without the 34 panels member of so called experts whom remind me how I am supposed to feel. Let me decide how I feel.
  5. A differentiation between reporting the actual news and the Jerry Springer version to get ratings and money for the networks.
  6. Great, well produced non-partisan specialty shows on subjects both general and specific.  Example: History of Comedy; The legacy of TV and Politics.
  7. Breaking news of the day vs. Breaking news of the last two-days.
  8. Current Anchor’s that report the news. Please don’t be so eager to let me know why you feel the way YOU do.  I don’t know you nor do I want to know you.  Just tell me the news and spend your crazy salary on a new Florida home.


We need to create your own personal menu list and send it to the stations you like to watch.  Maybe, just maybe we can get away for all the committees that want to investigating  political crimes as our ONLY focus and blend in learning what our government is doing to consider our countries future well-being.