• By Gary
  • November 8, 2011

Focus on Being In The Moment

Focus on Being In The Moment

Gary Tilkin, CEO of Gary Tilkin Consultants, Inc.

Gary Tilkin, CEO of Gary Tilkin Consultants, Inc.


My Thoughts Exactly

November 2011

Focus on Being In The Moment

By Mr. Gary Tilkin
CEO Gary Tilkin Consultants Inc.
Author: Professional For Life Development Series



Let me set up the foundation of my message by saying how much I enjoy working with folks who want to improve themselves as a life style. It doesn’t matter if that improvement is business, personal or both. When I meet these individuals it simple jazzes me and allows me to put up with all the airports, train stations, hotels and rental vehicles. If you are one of these individuals, you make my life fulfilled and I thank you for that.

When I think of the many people I have met who excelled, what comes to mind is a simple characteristic; they are always in the moment. This My Thoughts Exactly attempts to clarify what “In The Moment” means in sales, management and leadership.

When you meet someone, have you ever felt they said the right things but they seem not to be sincere about their motives? It was nothing they said or did, and then it was everything they said or did. These folks were acting the role usually by quoting a script, commonly known as a “word-track”. This is not exclusive to sales consultants. Management team members also fall in to the same trap.

The solution to me seems so simple; however, my attempts to channel my thoughts have met with stiff resistance or complete confusion by some of my participants. The approach is simply to not worry about where you want to take the business conversation at that moment. Instead, be part of the moment by listening not just to what your associate or customer is saying, but by listening and observing what they really mean. Now does that mean to forget about why you are there? No. It means the way to get there is to look for opportunities in the conversation. You can’t do that if your mind is elsewhere.

The truth is you simply can’t rush an associate or client in a business conversation. They control the progress because it is their mindset that gets us to our desired outcome. Whether that desired outcome is the sale or the associate’s improvement with a specific skill-set, the same approach is valid. Just be in the moment and allow the business conversation to take its natural course, with your assistance as the guide, of course.

So the next time you have the opportunity, chill baby, chill. Just be in the moment and see the magic happen. Thank you all for all the support you have given me and my family. Have a great month and remember to always be a “Professional For Life”.