Tip of the Day

"Why do I feel SO much better and achieve SO much more, when I prepare my day in writing first? #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself when you make a business mistake? I did. Then I heard this quote. “You can be MAD at yourself for 24 hours ONLY. Then forgive yourself and simply don’t do it again.”"

"Using a private handwritten journal. Best thing I have did for clearing my mind. What are your thoughts?"

"Well thought out business decisions that don’t work out always builds character. Never making a decision means you are NOT in business. #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Same consistent thinking, same consistent results. Same inconsistent thinking, WHO KNOWS! #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Do you have a mentor? If not, find one. Inspiration comes from how well YOU plan your future. #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Sales Tip: Answer me this. Why should I buy from YOU, your ORGANIZATION or your PRODUCT? #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Observation: Successful business leaders take immediate action on tasks. #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"If you don’t have the time to do something right; when will you have the time to do it again? #GaryTilkinQuotes"

"Repetition is the mother of learning, consistency is the father. Be a lifelong learner. #GaryTilkinQuotes"